Headshots and Portraits for actors looking represent authentic theatrical and commercial images OR Professional and Corporate headshots individually or as a group
Headshots and Portraits for actors looking represent authentic theatrical and commercial images OR Professional and Corporate headshots individually or as a group
Clean, professional, commercial imagery for products in e-commerce or advertisement. Models and lifestyle staging among many other add-ons and features
From stock imagery to photo assignment to documentary projects, I ‘m prepared with travel-ready production set-up scalable to your needs
Promotional story-telling for web, social media or print – I can provide photo, video and location services as needed to create the content you need
Risa is an incredible photographer! She made me feel my best and at ease. Risa is very knowledgeable with character work and brought lots of insight to our shoot. As an actor herself, Risa knows how to capture marketable headshots for actors. I cannot wait to bring my final edits to future auditions!
Alicia | Actress
Risa is so talented, patient, and professional. Her work is very thoughtful and her approach is down to earth.
Jennifer Newby Owner | Kneads Massage Therapy
Through different circumstances in my life, I have worked with many photographers in the last ten years, and I can say with absolute confidence that Risa Scott is not only the best, but also the most capable, willing, and creative artist I’ve ever known. When I have a challenge to meet, I call Risa. She is the quintessential Adventure Photographer. Need her to shoot via horseback? She’s got it. How about in old ruins in a state park before dawn? She’s on it. How about traditional photos that you get one chance to do correctly? It’s Risa. I am constantly blown away by her craft, her skill, her wit, her dedication, and her willingness to meet your need - no matter the circumstance. 🙌